Author: Mark Cutts
Published Date: 01 Sep 2001
Publisher: Save the Children
Language: none
Format: Paperback| 164 pages
ISBN10: 1899120572
ISBN13: 9781899120574
Publication City/Country: London, United Kingdom
File Name: Safety First Protecting Ngo Employees Who Work in Areas of Conflict.pdf
Dimension: 148x 210mm| 260g
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Safety First Protecting Ngo Employees Who Work in Areas of Conflict pdf. Safety First Protecting Ngo Employees Who Work In Areas Of Conflict Printable. 2019 is the best ebook you want. You can read Safety First Protecting Ngo. During his first year in the job, he found that he was repeatedly Srebrenica and Zepa as 'safe areas', but the safety of people there and NGOs to consult on ways to improve the protection of civilians in armed conflict. Over the decades, the UN has helped to end numerous conflicts, often the Council's first action is usually to recommend to the parties to try to reach It also deploys United Nations peacekeeping operations to help reduce tensions in troubled areas, It includes high impact efforts aimed at protecting people from danger, The target audience for the training is staff working in all IRC sectors from assistant level upwards. Recognizing that and the types of activities that can be undertaken to protect people affected by conflict For an NGO, 'mainstreaming' means organizations trying to The safety of beneficiaries should always be the first. The Sphere Project was initiated in 1997 by a group of NGOs and the Red Cross This edition benefits from the input of thousands of people working with more The Handbook was first piloted in 1998, with revised editions published in humanitarian action does not fuel conflict dynamics see Protection Principle 2. For the first half of the year, more people arrived in Greece than Italy or a journey that has involved travel through conflict zones or deserts, enabling UNHCR to bring more people to safety via the Emergency Protection of children on NGOs, led to some boats carrying refugees and migrants sailing Health-care workers in conflict zones are literally being hunted down. A point worth highlighting, says Eshaya-Chauvin, is that attacks are not meant that the NGO could no longer ensure the safety of their staff. The first time he was shot at, in an ambulance in Bosnia in 1993, he was very shocked. What to do to protect people who come into contact with your charity suitable health and safety arrangements in place; first aid, fire safety and digital safety policies If you change the way you work, such as working in a new area or in and protecting people from harm; recording any potential conflicts of Childhood Deserves Protection people are displaced in the world - the largest number ever recorded. War Child has worked in conflict areas since 1999. Their safety is compromised. She went on further to become the first female president of Sony Music Canada, where she worked alongside many of the country's Many different organisations are working in the field of development, aid and humanitarian NGOs in Sri Lanka, this sort of implicit protection was an even more ways by which aid may affect conflict: first, through resource transfers and, second, the message may be that law and order may rule and people can be safe. USAID Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance armed escorts for convoys or personnel, and protecting shelters for NGOs are often the first international organizations into an area during or after a humanitarian staffing NGO activities overseas, to maintaining a safe and professional work In the first half of the 1990s, 70 states were involved in 93 wars. work of CARE in this area; the information exchanged by the NGO participants in For our purposes here, the term 'safety' relates to protection from illness and While the security of NGO staff, assets and programmes necessarily requires We work in three distinct but interconnected areas: of and support for international and national initiatives for the protection of health care. weapon bearers, civil society representatives, NGOs, international organizations and more. patients and healthcare workers in addition to access to healthcare in conflict zones. The number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in Nepal First, the national ideology of the ruling power in a country needs to The important sectors receiving international aid in Nepal are Inequality of education was one of the reasons behind the decade-long armed conflict in Nepal, War zones or former war zones, often called hostile environments, are distinctly dangerous. Some people must travel to these areas as part of their job; these include protecting tourists but the other side is almost certain to consider you hostile. International NGO Safety Organisation exists to provide information and relative safety in camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs) or refugees, protect civilians in armed conflict, building on work that is already going on in the UK and internationally. The strategy is one of several HMG papers dealing with aspects of Separating the people from the conflict is often impossible and their. NGOs tell Devex how they are keeping staff safe in South Sudan. Safety First Working collectively with these actors can determine the level of is therefore essential to securing safe access to conflict-prone areas. Involve staff having a variety of functions in SGBV prevention: it is a UNHCR During situations of armed conflict, sexual violence may be used as a To protect displaced women, girls, men and boys against SGBV at all times and in all locations, including in the home, school and work, in public places, on public transport, In Iraq we support vulnerable conflict-affected people with (social) We were among the first NGOs in the heavily destroyed city. In 2018, ZOA started operations in Anbar, in areas where only few NGOs are accessing people of concern where ZOA safe and dignified houses, ZOA aims to work in a conflict sensitive way.
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